About The Teacher

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Hi! I’m Kate Carson.

I’ve been teaching since I was in grade school myself, leaning over the desk to help friends learn fractions. I have taught in public schools and independent schools and tutored extensively in private homes and at my own kitchen table. I have worked as a scientist and engineer in industry, applying all the calculus I teach (yes! some of us really do use calculus regularly in adulthood!) but always make my way back to my students. I specialize in teenagers (14-18) from algebra to calculus, chemistry and physics. My favorite teaching tool is an old-fashioned chalk board.

Beyond the classroom, I am mom to two spunky, living daughters, 7 and 11. (Currently homeschooling. Thanks, Covid.) Wife to an outdoorsy Kiwi, grief-support leader to an online babyloss community, storytelling activist for women’s rights, practitioner of mindfulness and yoga, and a lover of nature.


“Ms. Carson constantly reminds me that I hold great power and potential. She inspired me to overcome my fixed mindset that I am bad at math.”

— 8th Grade Student